Eva Saiko

Saint Petersburg

Diagnosis: Nephroblastoma

A year has passed since Katerina Gordeeva turned to her subscribers on social media for help: The call was to urgently raise money for a surgical operation for Eva Saiko in Tübingen, Germany. And then many people responded to this call, and within 24 hours the missing amount was collected.

By that time, this was already the second fundraiser: Hifeverein AdVita paid for the first complex organ-preserving operation for Eva in May 2023, but life-threatening complications arose, and a second operation was immediately required, which meant an emergency fundraiser. We at Hilfeverein AdVita were in constant contact with the hospital in Tübingen and monitored the situation. To our common joy, the second operation was successful—Eva was saved.

Recently we talked with Yulia Saiko, Eva’s mother, about how things are going now:

“Everything is fine with us, and Eva feels good. The yearly supporting chemotherapy ends in June. And that’s it, this is where the treatment ends. The rest of the time she’s here in the theater group and preparing for school (she won’t go to school yet this year). There were episodes, of course, with health concerns, but, in general, everything is fine, the body is coping and recovering.”

This is an amazing story: with your help, we managed to raise more than 136,000 euros. Thanks to you, little Eva can, as her mother says, “run, jump and play with friends.”

And this is what Yulia Saiko asked us to tell you:

“Eva and I want to express our deep gratitude to everyone who participated in helping pay for our treatment! It was only thanks to such caring people that this trip and operation became a reality. Eva's kidney was saved and now she can enjoy a carefree childhood!

We wish everyone that your kindness will be returned to you a hundredfold.”


Egor Moiseev
21 years old, Moscow
Diagnosis: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Mother's letter

My name is Anna. I would like to ask you to help my 21-year-old son Yegor, who had his third recurrence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in January 2021.
For the first time, Yegor fell ill in September 2015 at the age of 15. For almost two and a half years, he underwent chemotherapy in Moscow at the Morozov Children's Hospital. Then, for about eight months, he was in remission, and during this time Yegor managed to do a lot: he graduated from school, passed the exams and entered the Medical Faculty of the Moscow State University, got a driver's license.
When the first relapse occurred in August 2018, it became necessary to undergo a bone marrow transplantation. The family does not have a 100% compatible donor, they looked for an unrelated donor first in the Russian, then in the International Registry, but to no avail. As a result, in December 2018 Egor received a 50% compatible bone marrow transplant from his father in Raisa Gorbacheva Oncological Center in St. Petersburg. After the second relapse in May 2019, doctors brought Egor into remission and performed a second bone marrow transplant from me, with 70% compatibility.
Egor managed to negotiate distance learning at the medical institute, an individual plan was organized for him so that he would continue his studies in parallel with treatment without losing the course. From the moment he entered the medical institute, he never interrupted his studies, did not take a Sabbatical. When he had the opportunity, he tried to attend classes in person. Egor is completely immersed in the educational process, he passes almost all exams with excellent marks. There is no feeling that he is losing something, and life is passing by. This greatly motivates him to recover and distracts him from sad thoughts. And in the fall of last year, Egor took courses and received a driver's license to drive a motorcycle.
In January 2021, after a year and a half of remission, when we just started living a normal life, the disease returned. After the third relapse, doctors in St. Petersburg put Egor into remission with the latest CAR-T therapy, and now bone marrow transplantation is recommended to strengthen the effect of the treatment. Fortunately, Egor has got potentially compatible donors, but, unfortunately, not in the Russian, but in the international registry.
For the search and activation of the donor in the European registry, it is necessary to pay 21,000 euros. Unfortunately, the state does not allocate funds to pay for this component of treatment. We paid part of the bill, 6,000 euros, on our own, we do not have the remaining amount. If a donor is not found in Europe, the search will continue in the US registry, and this will require additional funds. Delivery of the transplant to St. Petersburg costs another 371,200 rubles. Our family is not able to raise so much money. Now I am forced not to work, I live and take care of my son in St. Petersburg.
Egor and I will be grateful for any help that will help to carry out the transplantation, which is so necessary now. We have come a long way, which brings us closer to our goal - complete recovery, and we ask you to help us overcome the next difficult stage! Many thanks!


Daniil Bushkovskiy
Daniil is 24 years old, he lives in a small Siberian village in Tomsk Region.

The young man is a bright student, he reads a lot, learns to play guitar. He has graduated from secondary school with very good notes. Life could be happy, but unfortunately Daniil has a rear and life threatening diagnose – primary immune deficiency, chronic granulomatous disease (CGD).

From early childhood the boy suffered from purulent inflammations, constant pain in the stomach, later also lungs were affected. The child was unsuccessfully treated for various alleged diseases and only at the age of 17 he was correctly diagnosed at the Dmitriy Rogachev Medical Center in Moscow. This made it possible to prescribe adequate therapy, but it only helps to cope with the consequences without eliminating the cause.

CGD is a genetic disease that causes primary immunodeficiency. Bone marrow transplantation is an effective, and sometimes the only way to combat the disease, it allows to radically change the quality of life of the patient.

Daniil needs a bone marrow transplant. The St. Petersburg-based R.M. Gorbacheva Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantology has agreed to perform the transplant. The problem is that Danya has a compatible donor only abroad. It is necessary to pay the German registry named after S. Morsch, 14500 euros for donor activation and stem cells collection in 120 thousand rubles for transplant delivery to St. Petersburg.

With your donations we can help Daniil.

Lilya Znayeva
Lilya Znayeva, 35, lives in Irkutsk. After graduation she worked in the Federal Bailiffs Service and as a lawyer. Lilya is married and has two sons.

Before the illness, Lilya had an interesting and active life — vacations on the Baikal Lake, hiking and kayaking. Julia made big plans, but the diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, made in the Summer of 2017, changed her whole life: eight months in the hematology department, six courses of chemotherapy, then three supporting courses. And in June 2018 — a new relapse and endless exhausting treatment. It became clear that the only way out was a bone marrow transplantation.

In July 2019 a bone marrow transplantation was successfully performed. Julia is feeling well and she is busy raising her two children. Hilfeverein AdVita goes on with raising funds for the patients of the Raissa Gorbacheva Cancer Center
Julia Mysova
Julia Mysova lives in Satka in Chelyabinsk Region. Thirty two years old, Julia is married with three children. In March 2017, she was diagnosed with acute monoblastic leukemia.

Julia underwent chemotherapy twice during her last pregnancy. Luckily, her baby was born healthy, and Julia is currently in remission. The doctors at the Raisa Gorbacheva Research Center in St. Petersburg are convinced, however, that the risk of a recurrence is quite high without a bone marrow transplant.

The search for a bone marrow donor in Russia proved fruitless. It took a huge effort, but Julia's family and friends raised the 6,000 euros required to launch a search for a compatible donor in the international registry. Since the total cost of the search, is 18,000 euros, however, Julia's family will need help from concerned outsiders. Their income is too low.

Julia dreams of living a long life with her loved ones and raising her children.

"Any help you can give me is a chance I will get well. I thank everyone who has shown their concern for me" she writes.

Mikhail Dugin
Mikhail Dugin, 34, lives in Volzhsky in Volgograd Region. It was a real shock to Mikhail when he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. His life changed dramatically. Mikhail did not give up, however, and his disease soon went into remission.

In 2018, the illness returned. Mikhail's doctors at the Raisa Gorbachev Memorial Research Institute said he had to undergo a bone marrow transplant. No compatible donor was found in the nationwide Russian database.

A search for a donor in the international registry costed 18,000 Euro.

In May 2019 a bone marrow transplantation was successfully performed
Mikhail Volkodav
Unfortunately, Mikhail died 25.08.2019 in the Intensive Care Unit. After the first transplantation, the bone marrow did not take, and the second operation Mikhail did not endure. We express our sincere sympathy to his relatives and friends.


Mikhail Volkodav is 24 years old. He lives in the small town of Shakhty in Rostov Region in the South of Russia. In February 2017, Mikhail was diagnosed with leukemia at the Raisa Gorbacheva Oncology Center.

Bone marrow transplantation is the only effective treatment in such cases. Unfortunately, no compatible donors were found in Russia. It costs 18,000 euros to find potential donors abroad.

Mikhail's parents are elderly, and the family does not have the means to raise such a large sum of money. Nevertheless, relatives managed to find 6,000 euros for the first payment to the Stefan Morsch Registry in Germany.

Mikhail wants to get over his illness and return to a normal life.